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Tag: generals

Orsborn Again - Rob Birks

Orsborn Again - Rob Birks

21 January 2021

Author: Rob Birks Description: ORSBORNAGAIN is meant to introduce the poetry of the first Poet General, Albert Orsborn (1886-1967), to a new audience and to reintroduce his work to dyed-in-the-(tropical)-wool Salvationists. As the subtitle states, these are not new songs. However, the lyrics are jam-packed with new life, which may be missed during corporate worship. Reexamined through Scripture ... Read more

War on Two Fronts

24 February 2020

War on Two Fronts William Booth's Theology of Redemption The Theaology of William Booth, The Salva... Read more

The History of the Salvation Army Vol 9

The History of the Salvation Army Vol 9

26 April 2019

The history of The Salvation Army Vol 9 1995 - 2015 General Shaw Clifton (R) In this, his eleventh... Read more

The Salvation Army in the Body of Christ An Ecclesiological Statement

The Salvation Army in the Body of Christ An Ecclesiological Statement

4 November 2014

Description: A statment issued by the International Headquarters of the Salvation Army by the autho... Read more

The Salvation Army in the Body of Christ Study Guide

The Salvation Army in the Body of Christ Study Guide

4 November 2014

Description: This is a study guide to the statement issued by the International Headquarters of the... Read more

General Wahlstrom A Pilgrim's Song - Jarl Wahlstrom

General Wahlstrom A Pilgrim's Song - Jarl Wahlstrom

4 November 2014

Author: Jarl Whalstrom Description: The English language edition of the autobiography of Jarl Wahl... Read more

“[The Triumphs of Faith] Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses].”
Hebrews 11:1

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